News, 05/06/2019
Sustainable nonwovens at Techtextil 2019
Discover the versatile application areas of our nonwovens made from natural or recycled fibers at Techtextil in Frankfurt
Sustainability is currently a big topic for many companies. The pressure of society is steadily growing and more and more understanding that the careful handling of resources, recycling of the produced materials or alternative uses of products is indispensable.
The TWE Group has been working in many areas for years with alternative raw materials or recycled fibers. At one of the 13 TWE locations, for example, only natural fiber nonwovens made from renewable raw materials have been produced for the last 15 years. These are used in pressed parts in the automobile sector, which not only have a good environmental balance through the use of biofibres, but also save weight and thus also reduce fuel consumption.
But also at all other locations use recycled fibers and the products in many cases also enable energy savings during production, lower storage and logistics costs through thinner material and less weigh or the option of 100% self-recycling later on.
But it is not only the use of organic or recycled fibers that is important to TWE within the production of nonwovens. TWE nonwovens can do a lot more. As acoustic or thermal insulation, for example, they contribute to a higher quality of life in many areas. Sustainability means at TWE that our products have the ability to improve our entire lives in many ways.
From warming nonwovens in clothing, to filter nonwovens for clean air and pure liquids, to noise-reducing acoustic nonwovens - there are no limits for the use of nonwovens.
At this year's Techtextil, you can experience at TWE Group's stand many applications for nonwovens made from recycled or biofibres. In addition to existing products, the TWE Group's R&D teams are working on many other exciting projects and uses of recycled or natural fibers.
Meet us from 14.-17.05.2019 at Techtextil in hall 3.1, stand number F19 and find out more about our products!
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